Acquiring License(자격증 취득 안내)


Acquiring License(자격증 취득 안내)

염타관리자 0 1401

자격증 취득 안내(Acquiring License) 

* Acquiring License

Acquiring the license issued by the Yeomtasul Federation is not an option but a requirement.

It is an online program that provides an opportunity to acquire a professional license that masters of martial arts studio, athletes, people in the security industry should be equipped with.

Check Yeomtasul video lecture ➟  Apply for Yeomtasul license➟ Fill out the application and issue license after individual response.


1.Practice your skill with the Yeomtasul video lecture.
2.This video is open to anyone to watch and practice.
3.Leave the license you want to apply for at the Yeomta license application board, and we will let you know-how.
4.Apply for the license, and the application will be sent to your e-mail. 5. License detail
5.1. Defense against attack license (30 US$)
6.2. Self-defense license (30 US$)
7.3. Yeomta grappling license (30 US$)
8.4. Yeomta sparring (30 US$)
9.5. Police Arrest Trainer License (70 US$ )
10.6. Baton Coach License (70 US$)
11.7. License for studios that have acquired the license by The World Yeomtasul Federation (50 US$)

​You can acquire up to 7 licenses.

The license can be applied individually.

If you want to use the programs that used Yeomtasul at your studio, you can apply for the issuance of a branch of the World Yeomtasul Federation and license.

Leave a detailed note on the license application board, and we will make sure to reply with detail as soon as possible.