염타술의 응용 > world yeomta



  • Yeomta stick, Barton, and truncheon
Yeomtasul can be used with any stick which is longer than 30cm without reference to materials. Therefore, you can team and use skills easily with Barton used by body guards, and truncheon used by police men.

For Barton or truncheon, it has great destructive power, so cranial bone is caved in or skin comes off or bone is broken if the head, shoulder, knee or vital spot are hit with this stick.

This can be regarded as excessive defence. However, Yeomtasul aims at completely dominating an opponent in addition to skill of hitting an opponent, so it can be free from the risk of these injuries. The techniques of Yeomtasul will be innovative self-defence and dominant technique to body guards or police men in the world